Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's A Love/Hate Thing

I hate my job! No - make that I REALLY HATE my job! (I'm very serious.)
I love my family but I hate that they get on my nerves.
I hate the fact that the little guy does not sleep in his own bed....but, I love snuggling with him in our bed.
I love Newfoundland but (at the moment) I hate living here. Don't ask!
I hate spider, bugs and other creepy, crawly things that sometimes find their way into my house.
I hate spending money but I love to shop.
I love decorating for Christmas but I hate having to take it all down.
I love it when my house is clean but I hate having to clean it.
I love the thought of changing the paint colours in my house but I hate painting.
I love chocolate (especially the expensive stuff) but hate the fact that I love chocolate.
I love laughing until my stomach hurts and I can't breath, and I hate the fact that's it has been a long time since that has happened.

Quote of the Day:
"A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good friend even though you are slightly cracked." Bernard Meltzer

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